TRILUX guarantee

We give you a 5-year light guarantee!

The quality of our products and the satisfaction of our customers is our top priority. For this reason, TRILUX offers a 5-year guarantee. From 01.01.2018 also without registration.

The TRILUX guarantee is granted according to the guarantee conditions as of 24.04.2024, which you can view below.

What do you need to do?

To receive the extended warranty for orders from 01.04.2018?

The warranty comes into effect at the same time as the purchase contract in accordance with the applicable warranty conditions. Registration is no longer necessary.

If you discover product defects?

If you notice that a product does not meet TRILUX's usual high quality standards, please report this fault to us. You will then receive a confirmation email and the guarantee process will be activated. Further information on extended warranty claims can be found in the applicable TRILUX warranty conditions.

View warranty conditions