Food and luxury foods industry

Lighting in food and luxury foods industry rooms is subject to particular photometric, hygienic and electrotechnical requirements. The EU commission’s recommendation 89/214/EEC on the rules to be followed for inspections carried out in fresh meat establishments demands "adequate natural or artificial lighting which does not distort colours".

Special lamps for meat and coldmeat counters mostly feature an elevated red component. They are only to be used for presentaion of goods (meat sales cabinets), but not for room lighting. It is also important to observe the colour-distorting effects of coloured walls, furniture, roofs, blinds and the entire surroundings regarding misleading colour perception.

In Great Britain, the governmental Food Standards Agency (FSA, s. a. is, among other things, responsible for meat inspection and controlling environments. It controls the meat industry regarding public health and ethical husbandry in slaughtering. According to the Meat Industrial Guide (MIG – Part Two), rooms must feature adequate natural or artificial lighting.

Besides realistic colour perception of foods, the damaging effects of artificial lighting radiation on foodstuffs is a central lighting characteristic. It is effectively avoided by using LED lighting, since LED radiation does not contain infrared or ultraviolet components (see chapter "Light sources").

Generally, closed luminaires are required for such rooms. Possible losses in luminous flux due to protective films on shatter-proof lamps must be considered.

Due to high hygiene requirements in the food industry, luminaire suppliers are expected to introduce an HACCP system (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point – see also chapter "Food industry").