Nursing and geriatric care homes According to EN 12464-1, walls should be illuminated at a minimum of 75 lx, with 50 lx at the ceiling and a uniformity ≥ 0,10 for both. The target should be to double these values. For communication between sitting people (standing people), a cylindrical illuminance Ez of at least 150 lx at 1,2 m (1,6 m) above the floor with a uniformity of ≥ 0,10 is required (applies for a maintained illuminance ≥ 500 lx).
Photometric requirements according to EN 12464-1

Table 3.112: Requirements for lighting in geriatric care and nursing homes according to EN 12464-1 and recommendations by the Kuratorium Deutsche Altenhilfe (KDA), supplemented by personal experience.