Press area

Light­ing and sun pro­tec­tion make common cause

  • Inspirations

Zehnder relies on Wellumic light management system from TRILUX and WAREMA in the "Center of Climate

TRILUX at Light + Build­ing 2024

  • Insights

TRILUX will participate again in Light + Building in Frankfurt in 2024. From award-winning designs to sustainability to smart lighting and IoT.

Lead­er­ship trans­ition at the In­ter­na­tion­al TRILUX Akademie

  • Insights

After 37 years at TRILUX Heiner Hans decided to embark on a well-deserved retirement. He will be succeeded by Christof Volmer.

Insect-friendly light­ing - a win for every­one

  • Insights

Insects, particularly bees, play a vital role in our ecosystem. That's why the ecological implications of lighting on insect populations are becoming increasingly important - and should be considered when refurbishing.