TRILUX Middle East presents successful training courses in Qatar

22.04.2015 | Company

During the beginning of April 2015, our TRILUX Middle East team visited various ministries and consultants in Qatar, together with our partner Al Shulah Lighting.

Qatar is one of the TRILUX focus countries within the gulf region. In this country, the government and other sponsors are investing heavily in the infrastructure . This is due to the increasing population and the upcoming World Cup 2022.

Although energy costs in the Middle East are still very low, an environmentally aware manner drives customers to use LED lighting solutions more and more.

TRILUX supports the clients (consultants, lighting engineers, sales managers etc.) to understand the LED technology correctly and benefit from it. Therefore we have recently trained and updated many customers on various topics like LED technology, planning of indoor lighting with DIALux, lighting standardisation etc. 

This popular in-house seminars are offered by TRILUX at regular intervals all over the region.