Corporate responsibility

As a medium-sized, independent, regionally rooted family-owned business, we have assumed responsibility for our employees, customers and society from the very beginning. Our continuously high level of investments in research and development for decades secure our future and that of our suppliers.

Our employee

The key to success

A holistic approach to sustainability considers the perception of ecological, economic and social responsibility. For this reason, TRILUX views the appreciative treatment of all employees as an essential criterion for sustainable action. Good working conditions, health protection and occupational safety as well as compliance with human rights form the basis for this. Important to us is remuneration that is fair and non-discriminatory to all. We also offer various voluntary benefits to promote employee satisfaction. Our commitment in this regard was officially confirmed in November 2021 with certification as a "family-friendly company in the Hochsauerland district" by the Hochsauerlandkreis business development agency and the Frau & Beruf competence centre, Hellweg-Hochsauerland.

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Our society

Obligation as a matter of course

TRILUX is committed beyond its own corporate boundaries, and we assume social responsibility in all regions in which we work. This topic is of particular importance in Arnsberg, Germany and in Alhama de Aragón, Spain, where TRILUX is the largest local employer in each case. We are also active in a variety of municipal projects for a sustainable and future-oriented development of the communities.

For example, we sponsor the "Pro Berufsorientierung" (ProBe) project initiated in 2008 by the Arnsberg civic foundation. This systematically prepares young people at secondary schools and special schools for a successful career start.

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Nature and environment

Active against climate change

Climate change is one of the major challenges of the 21st century. For TRILUX as an internationally operating group of companies, there is only one answer to this: sustainable business and continuous improvement of our own climate footprint. Our business activities have an impact on the environment, and greenhouse gas emissions, waste and waste water are produced. This is the reason why we have been focusing our actions for years to avoid CO2 emissions, protect the environment and conserve resources. We utilise energy, water and materials as efficiently as possible.

Our holistic climate strategy enables us to identify all reduction potential at our production sites and systematically pursue their implementation. We also support a large reforestation project in theSauerland region, where various resistant tree species are planted over an area of two hectares.

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Self-commitment in the Code Of Conduct

The TRILUX Group takes its social responsibility towards customers, business partners and employees and its responsibility towards the environment and the ethical requirements in business very seriously. In order to document this understanding and action externally, it has entered into a comprehensive voluntary commitment:

The TRILUX Group has joined the ZVEI-VDMA Code of Conduct of the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI) and the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) and declared it to be binding for all subsidiaries and business units. This is also required of suppliers.

The set of rules contained in the Code of Conduct of the ZVEI represents an important element within the TRILUX Compliance Program and is anchored in guidelines, information documents and training courses. Important principles are e.g.:

  1. Compliance with the core work norms for labour and social standards of the International Labour Organisation
  2. Upholding and promoting human rights in accordance with the UN Charter on Human Rights
  1. Compliance with all laws in the field of activity
  2. Fair competition
  3. Environment- and resource protection

Statement of principles regarding respect for human rights and the environment 2023