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Summary Theme Day Office

#1: The Potential of Lighting in Designing New Work Environments

On our office theme day, "Space for Success: New Office Concepts for a Successful Corporate Culture," the focus was on new work environments. Topics ranged from innovative space concepts to acoustic and building physics requirements, as well as questions about lighting and light quality, colors, and interior design. Experts from various sectors provided participants with exciting insights into current trends and technological possibilities through short presentations.

For those who couldn't attend in person, we followed up with the speakers. We start with Andreas Pickelein, an expert in lighting applications at TRILUX. He presents innovative lighting concepts for modern office illumination and demonstrates how lighting and design can become valuable aspects in hybrid offices.

Andreas Pickelein also explains why a holistic lighting concept not only enhances the attractiveness of work environments but also significantly contributes to reducing the ecological footprint. This not only cuts costs but also earns additional Green Building points for certifications such as DGNB, WELL, and LEED. These certifications evaluate the sustainability, comfort, and energy efficiency of buildings, enhancing the value and appeal of the properties.

Why is it worthwhile to place people with their diverse needs at the center of planning the lighting concept, and what technological and design possibilities does lighting solutions offer?

Here are the answers.

Kristin Habbel
Corporate Communications

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