E-Line Pro


Summary Office Theme Day

#2: Hybrid working environments between home office and office

At our New Work theme day, in Arnsberg we examined the new office working environments from all angles and asked experts across various fields for their opinions. Kyra Voll, a research assistant at TU Darmstadt's Real Estate department is researching the working environments of tomorrow. One thing is relatively clear: hybrid working concepts are here to stay.

Hybrid working increases satisfaction and productivity

Studies clearly show that the willingness to resign increases sharply if companies do not offer their employees mobile working options. For employers, this represents both a challenge and an opportunity. On the one hand, office spaces need to be redesigned accordingly. On the other hand, employee satisfaction and productivity can be significantly increased through hybrid, self-determined working.

Expert interview with Kyra Voll from TU Darmstadt

But what factors draw employees back to the office? How much freedom of choice and flexibility must companies allow? And what influence does corporate culture have on employee recruitment and retention? Kyra Voll summarizes the most important facts in a short interview.

Kristin Habbel
Corporate Communications

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