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Special requests are our specialty

TRILUX City on Tour

The special coating of a luminaire, the company logo on the cover glass, or a completely new development - customers often contact us with special requests. Our answer is always the same: Yes, with pleasure!. We recognized at an early stage that customization, i.e. the adaptation of a standard product to customer requirements, has a high growth potential in the market - and we already offer our customers extensive possibilities in this regard with our special luminaire production.

Our manufactory goes one step further. Here, in close cooperation with the customer, unique lighting solutions are developed in quantities of one or more for sophisticated architectural projects. "The focus is by no means only on design issues, but often also on special lighting technology or construction requests" explains Karsten Müller, Managing Director at TRILUX Architectural.

Floating rings, illuminated star applications and light effects

Three examples show what this means in practice. Our special solutions give the CSSB (Centre for Structural Systems Biology), an interdisciplinary research facility on the DESY campus in Hamburg, an unmistakable building identity: In the foyer, gigantic light rings with a diameter of up to six meters float, and around a hundred round luminous ceilings in various sizes are used throughout the building. We equipped the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa with various large-area luminous ceiling panels with integrated star luminaires - and had to implement several special requests, such as special acoustic damping and camera suitability.

In addition to companies, cities also use special solutions to emphasize their identity and uniqueness. For Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, a special design solution was sought that would harmonize perfectly with the dynamic modern district and offer extensive lighting management functions, including colored adaptive effect lighting. Our custom design - an iconic pole and cable pendant luminaire with a translucent cover - will soon provide the best visibility and atmospherically attractive light in Berlin.

High interest in the TRILUX City

In order to present the topic of "custom-made products" in a suitable setting, we created a special area for this in the TRILUX City. "Many visitors were first surprised and then enthusiastic about how many possibilities our special luminaire production and manufacture offer them," Karsten Müller summarizes the customer reactions. However, the special solutions for Hamburg, Ottawa and Berlin will not be found in the TRILUX City, because of size and exclusivity. But surely you have your own ideas ...

The next stop of the TRILUX CITY is June 9, 2022 in Lyon and June 16, 2022 in Leipzig.

Here you can find more dates

Isabel Sabisch
PR & Media

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P.O. Box: 371040
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Tel.: +971 4 609 19 91
Fax: +971 4 609 18 26
E-Mail: middleeast@trilux.com
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