E-Line Pro

Indoor Navigation & Positioning

With the help of Indoor Positioning & Navigation, customers and employees can be specifically located and navigated inside buildings (shopping centres, airports and railway stations). Using a floor plan on his smartphone, the user sees his current location in the building and can therefore be simply guided from there to any desired location.

Your advantages of Indoor Navigation & Positioning

What is indoor navigation and positioning?

Indoor navigation and positioning – similar to familiar satellite-based GPS technology – facilitates locating and navigating people inside buildings via a mobile end device (smartphone, tablet PC).
As with conventional navigation systems, users see a display of the route to a desired location on a plan or building layout. This facilitates quick orientation, especially in large, confusing buildings such as shopping centres, airports or trade fair centres.
Inside buildings, this is usually achieved via small radio transmitters (or beacons) which can simply be integrated into the existing lighting infrastructure. Another benefit: power is supplied to the beacon via the luminaire, which means that no battery changes are necessary.

Why indoor navigation and positioning?

Indoor navigation and positioning services facilitate quick orientation inside buildings, where “conventional” satellite technology does not function reliably. Relevant content is displayed to users on their end devices in real time. This way, they can simply find their way around large, confusing buildings such as shopping centres, airports or trade fair halls.

radio transmitters which can simply be integrated into TRILUX luminaires locate and navigate people inside buildings – similar to familiar satellite navigation outdoors. The user can then be simply guided to any location via an app installed on a mobile end device.

using a mobile end device, e.g. a smartphone or tablet PC, users can access their current location on a building layout. Subsequently, they can simply be guided to a desired location such as the closest restaurant or public toilets. This way, users quickly and simply find their way around unfamiliar environments.

quick and simple orientation in a shop can create an atmosphere of well-being, positively influence buying behaviour and increase sales.

Further services

Are you interested?

Contact us - your contact person will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

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TRILUX Lighting Ltd

Winsford Way
Boreham Interchange

Tel.: +44 1245 463 463
Fax: +44 1245 462 646
Email: sales@trilux.co.uk
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