E-Line Pro

Energy efficiency

It pays: high efficiency, great benefit

Energy efficiency is a central factor when specifying suitable lighting solutions, in addition to a long service life and extended maintenance intervals – and those are typical properties of TRILUX luminaires. They provide the best preconditions for high-performance lighting systems that feature high cost-efficiency in the long run. The basis for economical upgrading is highly efficient LED products, with optimum savings potential achieved by using light management systems. As a consequence, TRILUX researches and develops intensively according to new principles and methods to render the many years of experience of the TRILUX Group, in combination with the latest advances in technology, beneficial for customers. Applicable legislation and guidelines specify not just the responsible handling of resources – legislative authorities also often offer attractive subsidy programmes to support upgrades to modern lighting solutions.

TRILUX provides support for refurbishing lighting installations, from status assessment and planning to installation and financing. Even where subsidy applications for the financing of lighting projects are concerned, TRILUX is your partner in terms of professional lighting. We have a wealth of experience and high levels of performance in production and technology, we lead the way in research and development, and we are in close and direct reach for customers in all applications. That is the essence of the TRILUX philosophy – Simplify Your Light.

Identifying savings potential

Customised energy efficiency

TRILUX refurbishment solutions provide savings potential ranging from the simple upgrading of conventional lamps to LED, to enhanced refurbishments featuring light management.

Do you need help?

Head office UK

TRILUX Lighting Ltd

Winsford Way
Boreham Interchange

Tel.: +44 1245 463 463
Fax: +44 1245 462 646
Email: sales@trilux.co.uk
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