E-Line Pro

For nature and the environment

Climate and environmental protection have maximum priority at product and manufacturing level for TRILUX. All German TRILUX production sites will be climate-neutral to 2025.  

Ambitious objectives

TRILUX is taking big steps forward. The long-term goal is climate-neutral business operations along the entire value chain (scopes 1, 2 and 3).

Our sustainability strategy comprises the following three steps:

  • 1. Reduction of scope 1 and 2 (analogous to SBTi)
    • Absolute reduction of at least 2.5% to 4.2% p.a.
    • By 2025, this corresponds to a reduction of at least 15% to 25.2%. 
  • 2. Voluntary commitment to reduction of scope 3
    • 2.5% p.a. in areas to be defined
  • 3. Energy efficiency
    • further increase in the proportion of renewable energies in total energy consumption

Current measures

What we do to improve our own climate footprint

  1. Waste prevention
  2. Climate-friendly mobility
  3. Optimising of packaging
  4. Annual optimisation of production facilities within the continuous improvement process (CIP) in quality and energy management
  5. Photovoltaic system on our EDC building 
  6. Use of CO2 neutrally produced hygiene paper (BlackSatino)

Sustainable lighting

Artificial lighting accounts for a large share of our worldwide greenhouse gas emissions. We already make a big difference in the fight against climate change by striving for efficiency and influencing our customers' energy consumption. LED luminaires and light control systems are the basis for lighting solutions with high quality of light, exemplary energy balances and long operational durations. 

An impressive example: a conventional luminaire emits about one tonne of CO2* over its service life, an LED luminaire just 0.5 tonnes. TRILUX places 5,000,000 LED luminaires on the market every year – this saves around 2,500,000 tons of CO2 annually. This amount is roughly equivalent to the CO2 emissions of 500,000 passenger cars per year (mid-range, gasoline engine, mileage of 15,000 km) or 0.6 percent of Germany's total savings target by 2030.

Since LEDs are small, point-shaped light sources, their light can be directed and distributed in a more targeted manner compared to conventional lamps. TRILUX luminaires reduce glare and avoid any unwanted scattering of light. This makes them sustainable in several ways: for example, better control of light distribution prevents unpleasant stray light in the living spaces of residents with street lighting – the well-being and quality of sleep of people is not impinged upon. Precise light distribution avoids light pollution or light smog because light is only emitted to exactly where it is needed. Minimising unwanted light emissions with use of LED luminaires makes a significant contribution to an environment worth living in for both urban and rural areas.

Outdoor lighting is an essential prerequisite for economic value creation in our 24/7 society. Artificial light is the basis for industry, commerce, agriculture and trade even after the onset of darkness. Illuminated traffic routes are indispensable for this, and ultimately, they have an impact on all areas of life. There is no access to education, health care, culture or sports in the dark. Outdoor lighting effectively reduces the risk of accidents, is able to counteract vandalism and can improve people's subjective sense of security. 

LED lighting technology is able to make an important contribution to sustainable urban development. The combination of LED luminaires and digital lighting control offers an interesting hardware basis for the integration of further functions in the context of smart cities. This makes towns and cities more ecological, more comfortable and more socially inclusive. Since luminaires are distributed in a more or less uniform grid across the city and, in themselves, provide power supply, they are able to assume tasks that go far beyond lighting. LED luminaires already function as charging stations for e-mobility, can record environmental and traffic data via sensors, integrate cameras and communication modules such as Wi-Fi and mobile communications, and function as hardware for parking management and traffic guidance systems. In this way, they can help solve e.g. traffic, air and waste problems and support towns and cities on their way to becoming green places for living.

The light from road luminaires has a direct effect on flora and fauna. For TRILUX, the overriding principle for all new installations and modernisations is: as much light as necessary, as little light as possible. LED luminaires achieve this most efficiently because they can be directed, switched and dimmed particularly well. They can also protect nocturnal animals and insects. Short wave light in the blue and UV ranges is enticing to many species, but warm white LEDs (3,000 to 2,700 Kelvin colour temperature) with only a low short wave radiation component are insect-friendly. Research projects confirm: competently planned outdoor lighting with LEDs poses a lower risk to insects, bats, birds, fish and amphibians than conventional lamps.

Our subsidiary company Pacelum develops unique lighting solutions for animals and plants. To investigate the efficiency of light under realistic conditions, we have been growing lettuce plants in the globally renowned Hagerbach V-S-H experimental tunnel in Flums Hochwiese, Switzerland since 2018. As a part of this we extensively test various theories, models and simulations designed to optimise growth below ground.

* The Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) was prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. It documents all emissions as CO2 equivalents. This means that, in addition to CO2, calculations also take into account the six other greenhouse gases regulated by the Kyoto Protocol: CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3. These are converted to the global warming potential of CO2 and form CO2 equivalents (CO2e). However, we use the term CO2 for linguistic reasons.


Further topics

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Head office UK

TRILUX Lighting Ltd

Winsford Way
Boreham Interchange

Tel.: +44 1245 463 463
Fax: +44 1245 462 646
Email: sales@trilux.co.uk
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