E-Line Pro

Sustainability is an attitude

At TRILUX, environmental protection and the conservation of resources are firmly anchored in our DNA; this is self-evident for us as a business. We align the actions of our organisation to this in all core areas, and not only since measures against climate change have been demanded by law and society in general. We also work consistently and continuously to improve our carbon footprint, and our German production sites will achieve climate neutrality as early as 2025.

Our Mission

As a family business, we think in generations and do not measure ourselves by short-term successes. We are committed to a responsible, holistic approach and consider sustainability in all its facets. Social justice, ecological responsibility and fair business practice have been our non-negotiable values since the founding of the company in 1912. We aim to be a courageous and creative pioneer, driver and participator in the market and make a measurable contribution to the environment and the sustainable development of society. At the same time, we support our partners and customers* in achieving their sustainability goals. This maintains our precious planet as a place worth living for future generations.

Our Philosophy

Driven by the goal of continuous development, TRILUX has always pursued the same philosophy: to constantly improve light for people and the environment. The currently central topics in the lighting market range from energy and material efficiency to climate protection, from biodiversity to recycling and circular economy. This is not new territory for TRILUX. We are a pioneer of LED transformation. Thanks to our strong culture of innovation, we set the benchmarks for efficiency, quality and technologies in the lighting industry today. In order to approach all our climate protection measures carefully and determinedly, we have brought strong partners to our side and are involved in various networks.

Our path

At the heart of our sustainability strategy are three focus areas.

Our global roadmap

Our sustainability strategy is based on the Sustainable Development Goals agreed by the United Nations in 2015 in its 2030 Agenda. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals address global challenges with 169 targets. In order not to lose our way within this diversity and to act seriously and in an exemplary manner, TRILUX focuses on these five SDGs:

Sustainability report

For downloading

In 2021/2022, we published our first Sustainability Report drawn up in accordance with GRI standards in the "Core" option. The report is updated on an ongoing basis. You can find the current version here.

Sustainability report

Our network

The TRILUX Group is excellently networked in numerous sustainability organisations. With industry associations, institutions in science and research as well as in cooperation with other manufacturers, technical developments are advanced worldwide, standards are developed and political framework conditions are discussed and evaluated. Here are some examples:

Lighting Europe

Working Group Sustainability


Green Deal Lightning

Dutch Green Building Council
Recylum France

Deutsches Institut für Normung


Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V

Sustainable Procurement Pledge


Madaster Kennedy-Netzwerk

CEN Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Hamburg

* For reasons of better readability, the feminine and masculine form is used for personal designations and personal nouns on this website. Corresponding terms apply in principle to all genders with regard to equal treatment. The abbreviated form is for editorial reasons only and does not imply any valuation.

Do you need help?

Head office UK

TRILUX Lighting Ltd

Winsford Way
Boreham Interchange

Tel.: +44 1245 463 463
Fax: +44 1245 462 646
Email: sales@trilux.co.uk
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