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Complaints procedure (LkSG*) & whistleblower system

*LkSG=German law on corporate due diligence to prevent human rights violations in supply chains

We live a culture of openness, transparency, integrity and accountability in which our employees as well as customers, suppliers, business partners and other third parties can report risks and/or violations in our activities and business environment without fear of reprisals/disadvantages.

Internal and external persons can use our whistleblower system to inform us of violations or risks. This enables us to identify and eliminate risks as early as possible, take appropriate measures, prevent further misconduct and limit potential environmental, human, financial and other adverse effects.

Our internal reporting channel, which we provide via an external, certified service provider, can be used to anonymously report information on risks or violations of the LkSG; EU law; national law and the ZVEI-VDMA Code of Conduct (the code of conduct applicable within TRILUX) without fear of negative consequences. 

NOTE: This whistleblower system is a TRILUX Group complaints procedure. TRILUX GmbH & Co. KG, Arnsberg hereby fulfills its legal obligation to provide a complaints procedure for all internal and external persons who have knowledge of an existing risk or a violation of the legal positions and environmental obligations protected under the LkSG in their own business area or by suppliers or who are directly affected by this.The whistleblower system and the guideline have been adapted in accordance with the requirements of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG). Here you can quickly and easily report sincere and serious concerns about misconduct or grievances relating to human rights and/or environmental risks or breaches of duty (see also § 2 LkSG), e.g. unequal treatment, health and safety risks, protection against abuse of power, forced and child labor and environmental risks such as emissions and contamination of air, water and soil or the export of hazardous substances.

Please take note of the data protection information on the LkSG/whistleblower system complaints procedure.

To the TRILUX whistleblower system

Please note that this reporting channel is not available for complaints and/or general customer complaints.

Rules of procedure and instructions

Here you will find our rules of procedure and the BRIEF INSTRUCTIONS. If you have any questions, you will find answers to frequently asked questions at the end of this article under "FAQ"“. Please feel free to write to us at whistleblower@trilux.com

Data protection information

Information on the handling of your personal data as part of the complaints procedure under the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and the whistleblower procedure can be found in our data protection information LkSG/Whistleblower System.

Data protection information TRILUX.COM  Data protection TRUSTY-REPORT

TRILUX complaints procedure & whistleblower system

Step 1: Have you identified criminal, human rights or environmental risks or violations and would like to report them?

Step 2: Then let us know via our internal reporting office: the link above will take you to the platform.

Step 3: You can also submit tips anonymously without fear of personal consequences; tips must always be factually correct and fair!

Step 4: Confirmation of receipt is sent within 7 days. The report is categorized and checked by case handlers and the facts are then assessed.

Step 5: During the procedure you can view the status of the procedure at any time via the system mailbox. Make a note of your user name and password!

Step 6: The person in charge shall initiate all necessary and reasonable measures.

Step 7: You will receive feedback on the procedure and the follow-up measures planned or taken after 3 months at the latest.


In principle, all internal and external persons who have gained knowledge of violations in the business area of TRILUX and its affiliated companies or in the TRILUX supply chain may use the system. This includes, among others, former, current or future employees, employees of contractors, suppliers or subcontractors, self-employed persons and persons who belong to the management or supervisory body and customers.

All criminal, human rights or environmental risks or violations can be reported. These include, for example: bribery and corruption, money laundering, theft, anti-competitive behavior, damage to the environment, bullying, discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment in the workplace, modern slavery and child labor, workplace hazards and much more.

The reports are processed by trained case handlers within the TRILUX Group. These persons are independent of instructions with regard to the processing of the reports in order to ensure independent and impartial processing of the cases. If necessary, internal experts or external ombudspersons, authorities or other external bodies are consulted for the processing and taking of measures.

Yes, reports can be made completely anonymously without providing personal data.

Yes, all reports are treated as strictly confidential and are only forwarded to the relevant persons and departments required to rectify identified violations.

Once a report has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation of receipt immediately, but at the latest after 7 days. Depending on whether the report was submitted anonymously or not, you will receive this confirmation of receipt in the "Trusty" platform mailbox or by e-mail. The report is then categorized, checked and evaluated by the case handlers. After 3 months at the latest, you will receive feedback with information on what follow-up measures have already been carried out or are planned and a justification for the steps taken.

Yes, your data will be treated with absolute confidentiality. Personal information can only be passed on with express consent. Violations of this principle are not permitted and will be sanctioned.

Please contact our representative for the complaints/whistleblower procedure at whistleblower@trilux.com

No, use is voluntary.

Yes, by e-mail to whistleblower@trilux.com, but this is not anonymous.


Do you need help?

Head office UK

TRILUX Lighting Ltd

Winsford Way
Boreham Interchange

Tel.: +44 1245 463 463
Fax: +44 1245 462 646
Email: sales@trilux.co.uk
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