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Becoming a TRILUX supplier

Due to the importance of purchasing for market success we undergo a rigorous selection of suppliers according to various criteria. Initially we orient ourselves to the individual, product-specific performance capability, with regard to the total costs of the supply relationship. Our selection processes depend on purchase volumes, the strategic meaning of suppliers and the specific purchasing market. Of course your own information and our profile of you based on existing or past supplier contracts flows into our evaluation.

On this page by clicking REGISTER you can apply to become a supplier or you can LOG IN as a registered supplier with your user name and password. You will also be provided with further information regarding our general purchasing terms and conditions.

Selection of suppliers

Purchasing is the decisive factor for the quality of our products. When selecting suppliers, we therefore take great care on the national and international purchase markets. For us, the innovation and performance potential of our market partners is an important source for the creation of synergies.


Transparency is what we aim for, in purchasing as well: our decisions regarding suppliers are taken only on the basis of objective, comprehensible criteria.

Ambitious quality targets

Our buying politics know only one standard: the satisfaction of our customers. In order to achieve this, we internally depend on the compliance with ambitious quality targets and the evaluation of our investments according to Total Cost of Ownership – the basis of our supplier conditions.

Sustainability and environment

Die REACH regulation of the European Union regulates the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals. The aim of the directive is the protection of health and the environment and better, earlier recognition of chemicals. It applies to all suppliers (within and outside of Europe) that sell chemicals and/or products containing chemicals in the EU, or import or manufacture these. Accordingly, every producer or importer that intends to market its materials must supply a corresponding registration number for all chemicals since 1 December 2008.

TRILUX completely accords with the aims of the REACh regulation. The health and safety of employees and consumers has top priority for us. We therefore expect our suppliers to ensure the pre-registration of all relevant chemicals in order to ensure compliance with EU regulations and the trouble-free processing of supplies. Your seamless information about chemicals used also help us to inform our customers according to the REACh regulation about especially alarming materials (Substances of Very High Concern, SVHC).

TRILUX not only assumes a pioneering role with energy-efficient luminaires and lighting systems. Internally as well we have set ambitious targets for energy efficiency and climate protection.  Actions in all company sectors ensure improvement of our energy balance and reduction of CO2 immissions.

Our specific actions for improving energy efficiency:

  •     The sourcing of electricity from renewable energy for more and more production locations.
  •     Video conferences as an alternative to business trips.
  •     Leasing of more environmentally friendly vehicles.
  •     New transport options in logistics for greater utilisation of transports and less CO2 immission.
  •     Cooperation with shipping companies that have low-pollution trucks.
  •     The evaluation of the CO2 balance of our supply chain: with test products we are currently assessing immissions caused on all relevant levels, in order to soon identify the most important carbon dioxide sources and to initiate effective actions against These.

The RoHS directive of the EU forbids use of specific hazardous materials in electrical and electronic devices (Restriction of certain Hazardous Substances). It came into force in July 2006 across Europe. The aim of the directive is to ban toxic and environmentally dangerous substances and components from electrical and electronic devices and to speed up the introduction of replacement products. For this, limit values were set for materials contained in the products. For TRILUX, particularly relevant are the following values:

  •     maximum 0.01 weight per cent for cadmium
  •     maximum 0.1 weight per cent each for lead, mercury, sexivalent chrome, PBB and PBDE

An exception to the directive is the use of mercury in compact fluorescent lamps. Here up to 5mg per luminaire can be contained.
TRILUX supports the efforts of the EU in reducing pollution burdens in electronic products. All suppliers are asked to demonstrably not exceed the specified limit values.

The EU directive for the return and disposal of used batteries came into force in 2008. This forbids the marketing of certain batteries, the mercury component  (0.0005 weight %) or cadmium content (0.002 weight %) of which exceeds defined values. In addition, this directive targets a high quota for collecting and recycling of old batteries and better environmental protection in all life cycle phases for batteries. TRILUX supports the efforts of the EU in reducing pollution burdens in batteries. All suppliers are asked to demonstrably not exceed the specified limit values.

Wherever we are active, TRILUX in all countries and regions is an integral part of society and economy. Our code of conduct defines the principles of our business politics that for us bears specific and universal validity. this includes:

  •     Compliance with legislation and right
  •     Prohibition on corruption and bribery
  •     Respect for the fundamental rights of employees
  •     Ban of child labour
  •     Guarantee of health and safety of employees
  •     Environmental and climatic protection

Our ethic regulations define all of our business activities. And we demand these to the full from our suppliers. In short: We simply want to do good business, along the complete chain of value creation.

Sustainability is for TRILUX as a globally active company an essential target that covers several dimensions: economically, ecologically and socially. Economically we depend on long-term value creation that protects our natural resources and sources renewable energy. Ecologically, we improve our own environmental balance and that of our customers and suppliers by innovative processes, methods and products. We take on social responsibility by continually investing in the main asset of the company: our employees. Training and the guarantee of optimal work conditions are major themes at TRILUX.

We bring light to life. Light that aids work, offers safety, sets accents and creates atmosphere. To achieve these targets with innovative products, we have always thought of tomorrow, of the well-being of future generations. This is why we set standards in terms of energy efficiency, both in terms of our products and production. With systematic improvements such as internal energy management supported by a solar system upon the roof of our logistics centre, we have increasingly implemented actions for optimisation in past years. Future, made by TRILUX.

A responsible handling of the environment, targeted investment in future technology and processes and a corporate philosophy that goes beyond compliance with rights and legislation and places integrity in the centre: in this way we sustainably conduct business and at the same time create the basis for long-term growth. Come on board and support our quest for integral business.

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Head office UK

TRILUX Lighting Ltd

Winsford Way
Boreham Interchange

Tel.: +44 1245 463 463
Fax: +44 1245 462 646
Email: sales@trilux.co.uk
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