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Karolina Polkowska

Marketing Manager CEE

About the passion for photography and the search for light in every frame.... Meet Karolina Polkowska - Marketing Manager for Central and Eastern Europe - and her story about: "Where there is light, there is life".

Imagine you could travel 111 years into the past. In other words, to the year 1912, when TRILUX was founded. What would you like to do?

In 1911, Marie Skłodowska-Curie received her second Nobel Prize, already individually in chemistry, for the discovery of polonium and radium. If I could go back to 1912 for a moment, I would tell our great Nobel Prize winner how many lives she saved with her discovery, and how much she changed over the course of 111 years.

Beyond that, I would like to conduct an interview with her, to capture her important insights and invaluable experiences, with the intention of publishing it for the benefit of future generations. The wisdom she imparts would hold particular significance for today's young people, especially young girls. By illustrating the profound impact of Marie Skłodowska-Curie's journey, we can empower young girls to believe that they too possess the capability to accomplish anything they set their minds to.

What is your personal "Where there is light, there is life" moment?

I look for light in each of my frames. Light, even in small amounts, brings a photograph to life and makes it more beautiful. A face in the sun, red leaves on stone steps, snow falling directly on outdoor lights, the light of the full moon, water illuminated by RGB LED spotlights - - these are just a few of the magical experiences of "Where there is light, there is life."

111 is also: three times the grade 1. Name three people or projects that have earned an A and describe why.

1. Arkadiusz Lewenko
- he was the best buddy I could think of. I joined TRILUX at a very turbulent time: during the cyber-attack and just before the pandemic broke out. From the very beginning, he showed himself to be an effective leader with a firm grip on the helm, but also a supportive mentor who brought my strengths to the surface and made me grow in a significant way.

2. Moenier Oulad
– my first contact in the central marketing group and from the very beginning supported me in every way possible when it came to building brand recognition on social media. Today we have 1,200 followers on the LN platform, and we are still growing. And I remember when I started working at TRILUX - we didn't have enough of an audience to publish content on our own.

3. Helen Loomes
- Although she retired and is no longer with us today, she was an important part of our community and I think she has become a permanent part of the history of these 111 years. I valued her most for the enthusiasm for light that she undoubtedly had in her. She was a great teacher about Human Centric Lighting, and I use the knowledge she shared in my daily work.

Is there a project at TRILUX that stands out in your memory and why?

Definitely the Living Contrasts event, which was the embodiment of all my dreams of a unique meeting with clients. Working on this event was extremely inspiring for me from the very beginning. When I knew the destination, we started working on the play: involved actors, created the set design, chose the music... I think our show as the finale was a surprise to everyone. We managed to create an extremely magical space. All thanks to the commitment of many people and the belief that it would work. And it did!

Kristin Habbel
Corporate Communications

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TRILUX Lighting Ltd

Winsford Way
Boreham Interchange

Tel.: +44 1245 463 463
Fax: +44 1245 462 646
Email: sales@trilux.co.uk
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