New rules of the game due to lamp bans

Bye-bye waster, hello LED!

Now it's getting serious: new EU regulations on energy efficiency (the Ecodesign Directive) and the use of mercury in light sources (RoHS Directive) make refurbishment with LED luminaires inevitable in the long run. The following light sources will no longer be available for public trading from 2023 onwards.

No longer on sale as of September 1, 2023

Compact fluorescent lamp (T18)

No longer on sale as of February 1, 2024

Compact fluorescent lamp without integrated ballast
Circular fluorescent lamp (T5/T9, 15mg Mercury)
Rod-shaped fluorescent tubes (T5/T8)

No longer on sale as of February 24, 2025

Circular fluorescent lamp (T9, 10mg Mercury))

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