Fundamentally, EN 1838 "Lighting applications – Emergency lighting" (see chapter "Emergency lighting" must be consulted for planning and installing emergency lighting. Beyond that, EN 12193 contains further information on lighting for emergency situations.
Emergency lighting
Safety lighting for spectator areas
For reasons of spectators’ visual comfort more than for safety or emergency situations, the lighting level with general power supply must at least be 10 lx. For cases of general power failure, anti-panic lighting according to EN 1838 must be provided (see chapter "Emergency lighting").
Safety lighting for participants
A controlled termination of a sports event must also be possible in cases of lighting failure. The lighting level for safe termination of a sports event is specified in EN 12193 as a percentage of the lighting level of the respective lighting class. For some sports, EN 12193 stipulates certain percentages, see table.
Safety lighting must activate immediately upon failure of the general lighting and be available for the time specified for the given case. After this time, emergency lighting according to EN 1838 applies.
Continuation of a sports event
To continue a sports event, the lighting level must at least correspond to class III for the sport in question (see table).

Table 3.74: Safety lighting for participants of an indoor sports event according to EN 12193